Index The Songbook SunShine's Songs
  SunShine's Songs Opus # 7: Posing

3. Scriptact

Back Forth

midi-demo 1

midi-demo 2 midi-demo 3

Wheels of vanish
Wading wrought up via plucks,
Suiting banish being uncled bonnie dub,
Misty valid inched TV
Panish, Danish manish pee.
    Text papered white
    Act-script the tide.

Ranny rolly only alley-catty can
Fish-eye fatties fill-up foe-full frying pan,
Any flat-off fingered flame
Holy dealt-dusk down muddy Decent Lane.
    Text papered white
    Act-script the tide.

Put on farming
Blown up earth now boxed all neat,
Nasty tanning underweary wet and heat,
Arrowed apples, knify Alf;
Up-town teaser sat shut down street seat.
    Text papered white
    Act-script the tide.

Halls of all-balls
Guests gone bath-tub broke,
Talls fall taught feast
And found flow from ten-stroke,
Dollar-houses slow condemn
Beat off mouse, mice, grass-hole hem.
    Text papered white
        Act-script the tide