Index The Songbook SunShine's Songs
  SunShine's Songs Opus # 22: Dust-Bin-Ballads

4. Thief's Knife

Back Forth

midi-demo 1

midi-demo 2 midi-demo 3

`What did'ya pay for y'er knife?', he said
`What did'ya pay for y'er knife?'
`A didn't pay't no thing', I said
`A didn't pay't no thing,'

`A just-a took it from the stand,
A just a-stuck it in the man,
A just a-ran off from the stand an' man,
That's how A got my knife,
That's how A got my knife.

`How do you earn your life', he said
`How do you earn your life'
`A don't  a-earn it no way', I said
`A don't a-earn it no way,'

`A just-a steal what 'A need,
A just a-steal to feed,
A just a-steal what A need to feed
That's how A earn my life.
That's how A earn my life.'

`How do'ya meet ye'r death?', he said,
`How did'ya meet ye'r death?'
`A don't a-meet it no way', I said
`A don't a-meet it no way!'

`A just a-stole it at my birth.
A just a-stole it the church.
A just a-stole it at my birth from the church,
That's how A meet my death,
That's how A met my death!'