Index The Songbook SunShine's Songs
  SunShine's Songs Opus # 9: Nothing but Oranges

7. Timeries

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midi-demo 1

midi-demo 2 midi-demo 3

Tell me time, why do you pass?
Tell me time, where do you pass?
    In a mind, you seem building up.
    Place and bind, for your next stop.

Tell me time, why do you pass?
Tell me time, where do you pass?
    Seems when now, still you will be,
    Now and then, slip you will se

Time is on your watch, and time is on your side,
Time for the next move, time for the next hide.

Time is in your story, and time is in your looks.
Time is your relations, time is in your books.

The watch ticks time,
When this is seen,
The watch pass through time,
As long as it is been.
    Time needs time
    To have a child grown up,
    Sometimes time
    Is ripening to a top.

Top of time,
And a time for a change.
Time to grow,
To be peeled and be eat;
    An orange can reap,
    It only takes some time,
    And transport is time
    Spend for those who spend the time

Time for what you did, and time for the unseen.
Time for the undone, time when this is been.

Time as a movement, and time as space to pass.
Time for the spotting of the time that your time has.

Tell me time, why do you pass?
All the time, where do you pass?
    Sometimes it's me, longing for a time,
    Where I could be, having a good time.

Now time you have to serve
As the right time.
    Yes, time you have to serve
    As the right time

Fa - fi - fa
Fi - fa - da.
Fa - fi - fi
Fi - fi - di - da.

Biddeli - baddeli  - bo
Bittely - battlely - bold.