Index The Songbook SunShine's Songs
  SunShine's Songs Opus # 7: Posing

7. How to Think

Back Forth

midi-demo 1

midi-demo 2 midi-demo 3

Said was all I knew
Through the scales of sight-zoom,
    And you came forth
    Just to be the moon,
    I turned frost
    With the paling of doom,
Vanished the night
And your paling blight
    Left for retrieved
    Theft for denied
    They soon began.

Knowledge transfer to how's
The meat-flower-thoughts to devours,
    And I sought out of the way that you knew,
    You laid back in unwillingly shout,
 Booked so soft and thoughts be hooked,
Moralized so right
    Theft for denied
    They soon began.

Written down, comment, command,
Eased in sound, commit, commerce,
    Wit and what formed the arguments pure,
    To with it the foul wormed off to be lured
Feel dropping dead, out of some head,
The spectre turned blue,
    The yellow turned true,
    There's still more to do.

Exhibited what time knew
Believed although mostly untrue,
    You came forth with the difference to spell.
    I came back to a different spell,
All to well, well re-laid in bonds,
Stopped on its runs immortality sums,
    Theft for denied
    Left for retrieved
    Moralized so right.