Index The Songbook SunShine's Songs
  SunShine's Songs Opus # 3: Your Savings Done

7. To You and Me

Back Forth

(Walking in your Woods)

midi-demo 1

midi-demo 2 midi-demo 3

Walking in your woods,
You hope to find your one.
Will he come today?
Will she come soon?
Will you ever see
That you are the woods yourself?
Wait there for me.

Walking on your roads,
You hope to reach your goal.
Will you do soon
Will you reach your moon?
Will you ever see
That you are the goal yourself?
Wait there for me.

Living in your rooms
You hope to break the walls.
Will it be today?
Will it be soon?
Soon you will see
That you are the walls yourself!
Wait there for me.

Some who hear these words
Won't understand at all
Let it be you
And let me be taught
To sing for everyone

Sailing on my rolling sea
I'll see you're just like me.
Will it be soon?
Will it be to day?
O may I see
How easy it is to be?

O let it be -
let it be
let it
be -